Crafty Meggy

enjoying life while crafting and organizing

Pinterest Pick Friday ~ Crystal Light Pen Holder

on April 26, 2013


I know, I said I would post this last Friday and never did. Then you might have seen it on my facebook page or possibly got an email last Saturday about it being up. Well, that was a mistake. I accidentally set it to post Saturday morning, thinking I would have it ready to go and I didn’t. If you saw the post earlier, I’m sorry and I feel completely embarrassed and unprofessional because it wasn’t even half finished! So, I apologize!! I’m hoping I’ll be back on top of my game next week!! 🙂


Anyway… the post you’ve been waiting for since last Friday. I hope it doesn’t disappoint you too much. I did have fun spicing it up last week after spending a little more time on pinterest.  _MG_9763

I made this a while ago, probably a month or 2 and at first it was plain and boring (see picture below):



When I was writing up this post last week on Friday I decided it needed something more. I was searching on pinterest for my original pin and in the process I came across a pin the used washi tape to decorate the Crystal Light containers with washi tape on the ends. I immediately LOVE the idea. This is the reason I never got around to posting last Friday. It always takes a few hours to complete even the simplest of projects for me, mainly because I get interrupted a hundred times during the process!



I just LOVE the way it turned out!!

And here are 2 different views of how it looks on my desk. I keeping all my markers seperate from pens and scissors and everything else that ends up in my old pen holder!


Once my birthday comes and goes and I’m done with my sewing challenge, I want to start scrapbooking more, so my pen stash might get a little bigger. I don’t know. I really don’t like writing out my journaling anymore. I’m more of a typest that way. I prefer to have my journaling neat and legible rather than writing it up myself!

My ribbon stash is already encroaching on the rest of my desk as you can see here in the picture above. I’m going to have to come up with another creative way to store the overflowing ribbon storage cabinet!!

Well, thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a nice and sunny Friday!! Maybe Spring will come this year after all! 🙂

6 responses to “Pinterest Pick Friday ~ Crystal Light Pen Holder

  1. Kar says:

    Wow, so cute, Megs! And I love how organized your desk is. My scrapbooking stuff is a MESS.

    • meganblethen says:

      Haha, yeah it’s not that organized today!! In in the middle of a sewing week challenge so both of my desks are covered in fabric, patterns and mores fabric!! 🙂

  2. Hey! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

  3. Hani Shabbir says:

    That’s a very smart idea to make pen holder..

  4. jocieopc says:

    what a great way to recycle! Thanks for sharing, Megan!

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