Crafty Meggy

enjoying life while crafting and organizing

Giveaway Winner!!

on February 20, 2012

I did my first giveaway in the middle of January and since then I’ve been sooo busy I haven’t picked a winner yet. There weren’t many people that commented. I entered the numbers into and this is what I got:

So congrats to Tara from the blog Tales of a Trophy Wife. I’ll have DaNita from Delightful Order get in touch with you so you can claim your prize!:)

2 responses to “Giveaway Winner!!

  1. Lori says:

    Don’t you just love these blog hops where we get to find and meet new blog friends? Glad I found you. I’m a new follower and I would love if you stopped by and followed back, so we can stay connected. Lori

  2. Tara says:

    Super fun! Thanks so much for sponsoring the give-a-way!

I LOVE to hear from you!